Estimation Pros

Mold Damage Estimates

Mold Damage Estimators

Protect yourself from costly mold damage by getting the most accurate estimate available with Estimation Pros. Using industry standard software, Xactimate, you can be confident that your estimates are reliable and cost-effective!

Mold Damage Insurance Claim

Get a quick and accurate estimation for mold damage repair services with Xactimate estimates. Not only do these include necessary rebuilding, but we also offer restoration of any interior damage so you can get your home or business back to life in no time!

Provide any information that you can

  • Submit Our Form (required)
  • Adjuster Written Xactimate Estimates
  • Specialty Bid Items
  • Painting Contractors
  • Photos
  • A Symbility report (if you already have one)

There is an upload tool in the Online Form. The more information you send, the better Xactimate mold damage estimate we can write.

Mistakes to Avoid When Estimating Mold Damage Insurance Claims

For contractors who want to accurately estimate mold damage insurance claims, there are certain mistakes that should be avoided. Taking the time to understand the most common mistakes can help your business become more successful. Let’s take a look at some of the common mistakes you should avoid as you estimate mold damage insurance claims.

Not Assessing for All Possible Damage

When it comes to estimating mold damage insurance claims, one of the most common mistakes contractors make is not assessing for all possible damage. It’s important to look beyond visible signs of damage and consider any potential underlying causes as well. This means checking for moisture levels in areas where water may have been present and assessing for any structural issues that may have resulted from the presence of water or mold. Not taking all possible damage into account can result in an inaccurate estimate and unnecessary delays in getting your customer compensated for damages.

Not Utilizing Available Technology

In today’s world, technology plays an important role when it comes to assessing mold damage insurance claims. There are numerous tools available that can help contractors assess the extent of damages quickly and accurately, so utilizing them can save a lot of time and effort. Thermal imaging cameras, moisture meters, infrared cameras, and other tools can help contractors identify areas where water or mold may be present and provide a much more accurate assessment than visual inspection alone.

Not Following Up with Adjusters Quickly Enough

When estimating mold damage insurance claims, another mistake contractors often make is not following up with adjusters quickly enough after submitting estimates or photographs. Because adjusters are often busy handling multiple jobs at once, they may not immediately respond to your requests for feedback or additional information regarding the claim. Make sure you reach out regularly—especially if you haven’t received a response within 48 hours—so that you don’t miss out on valuable feedback or opportunities to get your customer’s claim approved faster.

Avoid Common Pitfalls in Mold Damage Insurance Claims

Understanding the most common mistakes made when estimating mold damage insurance claims can help ensure that your business runs more smoothly and efficiently while ensuring accuracy in assessments and timely payments from insurers on behalf of customers. Utilize available technology, assess for all possible sources of damage, and follow up with adjusters regularly—these simple steps will go a long way toward helping ensure success when handling mold-related insurance claims!

Do the Math!

Using Estimation Pros as your full-time estimator is less expensive than hiring someone in-house.

Let’s do the math:

$59,557  Avg Resto Estimator Salary
1.4x   SBA’s multiplier for additional employee costs
$83,379  Avg. TOTAL cost for in-house estimator

$550  Avg. cost for Xactimating estimate – 25K to 50k
$0  Additional costs, fees, taxes, etc. – NONE
$550  Total cost for a quote from Estimation Pros

152 – That’s the number of 25k to 50k estimates your in-house estimator will need to produce to be less expensive than Estimation Pros.

Your estimator would need to produce 1.5 quotes EVERY WORK DAY!
(240 work days/year âž— 151 estimates to pay their salary)

Is your estimator producing 1.5 quotes a day, every single working day?

If not, you’re losing money.

Xactimate Roof Estimate Order Forms

Use one of the forms below to order an estimate.

Roof and Siding Combination Estimate

If you would like to add a roof to a siding estimate, or vice versa, please download both forms.